

The West End and Broadway




The West End of London is home to around forty commercial theaters and many other tourist attractions. The heart of "Theaterland" is Shaftesbury Avenue, which contains six theaters: the Shaftesbury, the Palace, the Lyric, the Apollo, the Gielgud, and Queen's—where Les Misérables is currently performed. The only West End show that has run for longer than Les Misérables is The Mousetrap, which debuted in 1952!

倫敦西區是將近四十座商業劇院和眾多觀光景點的大本營。大家口中的「劇院世界」中心點位於薛佛茲貝里大道,大道上的六座劇院分別是薛佛茲貝理劇院、皇宮劇院、利里克劇 院、阿波羅劇院、吉爾古德劇院以及現正上演《悲慘世界》的皇后劇院。倫敦西區演出檔期比《悲慘世界》還久的唯一一齣音樂劇,就是1952 年首演至今的《捕鼠器》!


The theater district of New York City, located in Manhattan, is referred to as Broadway. It has the same number of theaters as the West End. The longest-running show on Broadway is The Phantom of the Opera, which premiered in 1988, while Cats and Chicago take second and third places, respectively. When tourists hear a theater described as "off Broadway," they often mistakenly believe it is located on a side street off Broadway. In fact, this phrase simply means "a smaller theater."

紐約市的劇院區則位於曼哈頓,也就是所謂的百老匯,劇院數量亦媲美倫敦西區。百老匯上演檔期最久的劇碼是1988 年首演至今的《歌劇魅影》,其次是《貓》,再來是《芝加哥》。當遊客聽到某劇院屬於「外百老匯」類型,常會誤以為此劇院位在百老匯劇院區外圍的邊街。事實上,此名詞意指「規模較小的劇院」。


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