Premier Jiang Yi-huah offers encouragement and extra funds to police officers (2014/04/02)
Student occupation of the Legislative Yuan has led to overtime for many of the nation’s police officers. Today Premier Jiang Yi-huah met with some of the officers and thanked them for their hard work.
There was loud applause as Premier Jiang Yi-huah presented National Police Agency Director-General Wang Cho-chiun with NT$300,000 to award local police officers.
Jiang Yi-huah
I feel sad because the 12-hour shifts police have to work affect their family life. During this period, I have seen relatives of police shed tears due to the dangers associated with this job.
Jiang believes the police eviction of students occupying the Executive Yuan on March 23 was done humanely.
Jiang Yi-huah
Telling someone to leave or lifting them is a way to minimize potential injury. I must say I admired your efforts. Some may say we deliberately resorted to bloodshed and repressive tactics with ill intent. I cannot accept this and believe it’s an injustice to police officers.
After completing his speech, Jiang shook hands with the officers and vowed to support them.