"Let's put a pin in it."
“Where is the pin?”James看了一看會議桌四周,Pin不是別針嗎?哪來的pin啊,要怎麼把pin放進來呢?今天來看看pin在商業場景的應用。
1. Let's put a pin in it.
"Put a pin in it" 是一個常用的商用英語片語,意思是「暫時擱置一個話題、問題或計劃,以便等一會再討論」。這像把別針插入文件或牆上的提醒,以便稍後記住再繼續討論。
"Put a pin in it"常見於會議或團隊討論中,當一個會正在偏離主題,你就可以說:
• "Let's put a pin in this discussion and move on to the next agenda item. We can come back to this when we have more information." 我們暫時擱置這個討論,繼續進行下一個議程。我們可以在有更多資訊時再回來討論這個問題。
• Can we save that for later. 我們可以等等再說嗎?
• I think you make a good point, but let’s put a pin in it for now. 我認為你觀點很好,但現在等等再談。
2. You can’t pin it on me.
"Put a pin in it"和"Pin it on"意思不同, "You can’t pin it on me." 指,「你不能把責任或錯誤歸咎於我」。是常見的英語表達。在這裡,"pin" 比喻把某事貼在某人身上,就像用別針將一張紙張貼在佈告欄上一樣。例如,當主管詢問誰沒有完成報告時,你是準時交的,那也許會回答說:
• "You can’t pin it on me. I submitted my part on time." 可別怪我,我已經準時提交了我的部分。
也可以pin the blame on,直接把blame(責備/歸咎)加上去:
• You can't pin the blame on her - she wasn't even there when the accident happened. 你不能把責任推到她身上——意外發生時她根本不在現場。
3. I need to pin down who is responsible for this task.
"Pin down" 原來的意思是用釘子把東西釘住,例如:
• Will you pin the paper down so it won't be blown away? 請你用針把紙釘住, 不讓它吹走好嗎?
• The cause of the disease is difficult to pin down precisely. 病因目前還難以解釋清楚。
Pin down不一定用在事情,也可以針對人,例如:
• I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him down at the office. 我需要最新的銷售數字,可就是不能在辦公室找到他問清楚。
• "I need to pin down who is responsible for this task.我需要確定誰負責這項任務。
1. Pin your hopes on - 把希望寄託在某人或某事上
• "We're pinning our hopes on the new marketing plan to revive our sales." 我們寄希望於新的行銷計畫來恢復我們的銷售。