Students plan own review of proposed cross-strait agreement monitoring mechanisms (2014/04/04)
With normal operations at the Legislature on hiatus, student demonstrators plan to hold their own people’s assemblies. Through deliberations they will review proposed monitoring mechanisms to be used for all agreements signed with China.
People’s assemblies will take place from Saturday in the main assembly of the Legislature, outside the Chun-Hsien Building and in an occupied section of Qingdao East Road. The assemblies will review proposed monitoring mechanisms for cross-strait agreements.
Lin Fei-fan
Student Leader
We will rely on a marathon relay format with 60 groups and at least 1,500 people, says student leader Lin Fei-fan. Using deliberative democracy, together we will review the proposed monitoring mechanisms for cross-strait agreements put forward by the Cabinet and the people (citizens). Beginning tomorrow, we will clean up the tables in the legislative assembly. Each of our committee members will sit on the ground and we will hold our own session.
In deliberative democracy, deliberations are central to decision making. Adjunct professor Ku Chung-hwa says it is practiced domestically and overseas.
Ku Chung-hwa
National Chengchi University
Denmark uses a deliberative form of democracy to review bills related to issues like genetically modified foods, says Ku. There are environmental risks that the people need to be informed of so a joint decision can be made. The hope is for a public consensus. In Taiwan, when the DPP was in power, there was also a so-called youth national affairs conference.
Student leader Chen Wei-ting says that while the assemblies have no legal bearing, they will be handled carefully. They will seek to represent the view of the Taiwanese people and can serve as a reference for future decision-making.
[[學運總指揮 林飛帆]]
[[政大社會系兼任教授 顧忠華]]
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