“高鐵我隨時到隨時買就能走 飛機第一個要早到 要報到 還要上上下下 然後高雄的機場 也不方便啊”
因為高鐵班次多,光是往返台北高雄,每星期就有859班。[[cg in]]往後台北松山機場,台中清泉崗機場及高雄小港機場都會以離島和其他亞洲國家為主。[[cg out]]也正式宣告台灣西部主要航線,從此沒有飛機可搭。
The last flight between Taipei and Kaohsiung took place this evening. Mandarin Airlines could no longer justify mounting losses on this air route and will instead focus on flying to the outlying islands and other destinations in Asia.
Friday evening saw the final flight between Taipei and Kaohsiung.
Typically, the occupancy rate of these flights was less than 30 percent, with Mandarin Airlines having no choice but to cancel this once popular route. It was impossible to ignore the reality of the decline in Taipei to Kaohsiung flights as many passengers have turned to the high-speed rail.
High-speed Rail Passenger
You can simply go to the high-speed rail and buy a ticket and travel. When traveling by plane, you need to get to the airport a little early, check in, board the plane and then de-plane. Also the Kaohsiung Airport isn’t very convenient.
The high-speed rail offers 859 trains each week that travel between Taipei and Kaohsiung. In the future the Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung airports will mainly feature flights to Taiwan’s outlying islands and other Asian countries. And starting tomorrow, there will be no more flights along this once popular air route from Taipei to Kaohsiung.