[[日駐中大使 丹羽宇一郎]]
“日中兩國有時會出現 意見相違或是摩擦 這是無可避免的 但日本和中國就像是兩個 永遠無法搬家的鄰居 個別問題不影響日中大局 這是必要的”
Reports say Chinese police have arrested the suspect they believe was responsible for ripping the flag off the Japanese ambassador to China’s car. Japan has rebuked China over the flag snatch, though it emphasizes it was an isolated incident that should not affect overall relations.
The Japanese ambassador to China was on the streets of Beijing Wednesday. He was attending a conference ahead of the 40th anniversary of the PRC and Japan establishing formal diplomatic relations. It was the first public appearance for Uichiro Niwa since his car was attacked in the Chinese capital.
The ambassador seemed eager to put the incident in the past.
Uichiro Niwa
Japanese Ambassador to China
It is inevitable that conflicting views or disharmony will sometimes exist between Japan and China. But Japan and China are neighbors that can never move. Specific incidents such as this should not affect bilateral relations.
Niwa discussed how the recent diplomatic spat over the Tiaoyutai Islands had put a strain in Sino-Japanese relations. He says he does not want to see ill feelings grow.
Also present at the conference was former Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan. He called the attack on the ambassador’s car inappropriate and unpatriotic.
According to Sankei Shimbun, Chinese police say they have already apprehended a suspect. They would not elaborate further.