[[經建會主委 尹啟銘(9.1)]]
[[立委(民) 何欣純]]
[[立委(民) 蔡其昌]]
After the cabinet hosted a forum about rescuing Taiwan’s economy, the minister of the Council for Economic Planning and Development abruptly cut short a post-event press conference. Yiin Chii-ming made the announcement to the surprise of many. The vote for the KMT’s Central Standing Committee was to conclude shortly, and he had yet to cast his vote.
A press conference after the cabinet’s economics and finance forum was cut short as Yiin Chii-ming, minister of the Council for Economic Planning and Development, said that voting for the KMT Central Standing Committee would soon draw to a close.
Yiin Chii-ming (Sept. 1)
CEPD Minister
Today the KMT is selecting the party’s Central Standing Committee. I have not yet voted, so this is a right that I must exercise.
Yiin used the next two minutes to summarize the meeting, with a vice minister replacing him when business representatives spoke so that he could cast his vote before the 2pm cut off. His actions upset a number of DPP legislators.
Ho Hsin-chun
DPP Legislator
The Central Standing Committee is just a responsibility within the KMT party. Yiin is confusing what is important, and doing something he absolutely should not do.
Tsai Chi-chang
DPP Legislator
He is only thinking about the election and is not thinking about problems that affect the people. I think this is the greatest tragedy for Taiwan's economy and I believe that the next round of economic indicator lights will continue to indicate sluggish growth.
Yiin took this criticism and stride, and promised to make improvements next time.