

台北市長郝龍斌拋出扁保外就醫的話題, 點火國民黨郝立強2016卡位戰 , 綠營立委冷眼旁觀並表示,就是因為馬總統施政不佳,所以這些首長造反。


[[台中市長 胡志強]]
“目前我不談個別人選 我支持任何一個優秀的人才 我自己不在內 斬釘截鐵跟你報告”

[[新北市長 朱立倫]]
“我們還是堅持大家都以市政為重 我相信每一位市長都一樣”

不過,從郝龍斌拋出扁保外就醫, 點火2016卡位戰的話題後, 郝立強走到那兒, 媒體就問到哪兒。

[[台中市長 胡志強(08.27)]]
“郝市長不過就是奮力一搏 他以為他跳到火坑裡面喊一喊 藍綠就會和解了 結果把自己燒傷”

[[台北市長 郝龍斌(08.28)]]
“總要有人跨出善意的第一步 如果跳下去真正對藍綠和解有幫助 我願意做這件事情”

[[新北市長 朱立倫(08.27)]]
“把今天的工作做好就好了啦 台灣現在太去做一些無謂的揣測 都沒有意義”

民進黨立院黨團書記長蔡其昌則表示, 就是因為馬英九執政無能, 才讓他們造反.

The KMT mayors of Taipei, New Taipei and Taichung insist they are not considering a presidential run in 2016. But recent comments by Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin, along with his support for typhoon victims in the south, have led to continued speculation.

Political analysts are weighing whether Hau Lung-bin, Eric Chu or Jason Hu will run for president in 2016. The mayors don’t seem interested in the discussion.

Jason Hu
Taichung Mayor
I’m not going to talk about whether I will run. I support any of our best candidates and am not including myself in that discussion. I am resolute in what I am saying.

Eric Chu
New Taipei Mayor
We want everyone to focus on the city government. I believe that each mayor feels this way.

Speculation grew when Hau Lung-bin announced that he supports medical parole for former President Chen Shui-bian. Reporters keep asking the three the same questions.

Jason Hu (Aug. 27)
Taichung Mayor
Mayor Hau spares no effort. He thought that if he jumped into the fire pit and shouted out, the blue and green camps could be at peace. But he ended up burning himself.

Hau Lung-bin (Aug. 28)
Taipei Mayor
When it comes to goodwill, someone always needs to take the first step. If taking this step means there can be harmony between the blue and green camps, I am willing to try.

Eric Chu (Aug. 27)
New Taipei Mayor
I just need to take care of today’s work. Taiwan is too accustomed to meaningless speculation. There’s no purpose in it.

Many KMT members accuse Mayor Hau of speaking out of turn. Tsai Chi-chang, the secretary-general of the DPP caucus, has a different theory. He says poor governance by President Ma Ying-jeou has led to an open revolt.



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