Strong showing from KMT city councilors at Lien election announcement (2014/02/24)
More than half of the KMT’s Taipei City councilors were present today for Sean Lien’s announcement. The 44-year-old Lien also introduced members of his election team, to be led by Ou Chin-der, the head of the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation.
Many Taipei City councilors and legislators were present at Sean Lien’s press conference. Among them were KMT legislators Hsieh Kuo-liang and Lin Yu-fang.
During the press conference, Lien announced members of his election team.
Leading the eight-person team, but not present today, is Ou Chin-der, the head of the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation. Shih Hsin University Professor Jack Yu will serve as a media consultant. Other members include a former chief financial officer of MediaTek along with Aaron Wu, an NTUH cardiologist who helped Lien after he was shot at an election campaign event in 2010.
Sean Lien
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
Today, of course, there is another doctor who was present that night and provided me with a lot of assistance.
Lien’s election office is near the corner of Linsen North Road and Minzu East Road. By selecting this area of western Taipei, Lien hopes to show his commitment to older sections of the city.
連勝文這場參選記者會, 有許多台北市議員及立委包括謝國樑、林郁方等都到場祝賀。
[[國民黨台北市長初選參選人 連勝文]]
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