China’s top cross-strait negotiator visits Panda Pavilion (2014/02/28)
A trip by China’s lead negotiator to Taiwan concluded today with a visit to Taipei Zoo. An awkward moment occurred at the panda exhibit when Chen Deming compared his host Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin to the popular panda cub Yuanzai.
Yuanzai ate steamed buns and showed a good appetite. Today was the 228 holiday and Yuanzai appeared in public 40 minutes earlier than usual to accommodate the schedule of Chen Deming, China’s top negotiator to Taiwan.
Ostensibly to not disturb visitors to the zoo, Chen and Mayor Hau Lung-bin visited the Panda Pavilion early in the morning before it was open to the public. Chen made an attempt at humor.
Chen said Hau was like a panda. Laughter, and this response from Hau, followed.
Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
He did not say I was like a panda, but as popular as a panda.
Chen also visited a display featuring indigenous animals. Seeing the Formosan black bear for the first time sparked great interest, and Chen pulled out his cell phone to snap a quick photo.
Chen’s visit to the zoo concluded his three-day, two-night visit to Taiwan. After, he departed for the airport and headed back to Beijing.
[[台北市長 郝龍斌]]
“他不是說像貓熊, 而是像貓熊一樣受歡迎
本文引用自 民視新聞網