Far EasTone unveils new line of smart phones (2014/02/25)
At about the same time as Samsung unveiled its newest flagship smart phone in Barcelona, in Taiwan local telecom operator Far EasTone unveiled its own new line of handsets. Far EasTone hopes to win over customers looking for a lower-priced phone with many of the same functions and specs as global brands.
A special feature of this phone is automatic photo shooting that makes it easy to take consecutive shots. The phone is made by local telecom operator Far EasTone.
This phone provides automatic translations of Korean and Japanese, making travel easier. FarEasTone has four of its own 3G models: the Smart 401, 402, 501 and 502. Specs are competitive with better known brands.
Maxwell Cheng
FarEasTone Vice President
Our own brand has accounted for about 10 percent of our business. We hope that these new models raise consumer confidence and allow us to achieve 20 percent of the market.
Taiwan Mobile launched the self-branded A7 phone at the end of last year. Like the Far EasTone Smart 502, it has a quad processor and 5.5-inch screen. FarEasTone’s camera has a greater number of pixels, while the two models are priced similarly.
“I’m interested in these because they’re cheaper now. The larger screens also make them more convenient.”
Chunghwa Telecom has no plans to release its own brand of smart phone.
此外,這款能自動翻譯韓文、日文,出國超方便。四款自有品牌的3G手機Smart 401、Smart 402、Smart 501、Smart 502,不僅主打多項功能,連手機規格也很出色。
[[遠傳執行副總 鄭智衡]]
“自有品牌大概以前 都已經佔了我們10% 希望藉由推出這個自有品牌 增加消費者的信心 讓我們能夠達到20%的市場”
“是蠻有興趣的 因為現在比較便宜啊 然後現在螢幕比較大 然後比較方便
本文引用自 民視新聞網 http://news.xn--1qws34d.com/