Fine particulate matter leads to poor air quality across much of Taiwan (2014/02/26)
The recent spell of good weather has been disrupted by increased air pollution. A total of nine regions across Taiwan yesterday saw fine particulate matter indices exceed recommended standards, with the southwest being the worst affected.
This nurse is distributing boxes of masks to children taking part in outdoor physical education. The air outside is thick with pollution.
Monitoring by the Environmental Protection Administration determined that south central areas had the worst air quality on Tuesday, with one monitoring station in northern Taiwan also exceeding safe standards. Sunny weather over the past few days along with higher temperatures in western Taiwan led to an increase in fine airborne particulate matter, which hasn’t drifted away. This coupled with high ozone concentrations in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area led the EPA to predict that poor air quality could continue on Thursday and Friday.
Hung Yi-lee
When the air quality is poor or temperatures rise and fall, dust in the air is more obvious. Haze and some of what shows up in the air pollution index could cause an allergic reaction in some children.
Doctors say there has been a spike of 10 percent in clinical visits for allergies over the past few days.
[[小兒科主治醫師 洪依利]]
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