Leading contenders for Taipei mayoral race predict tight election (2014/02/25)
The first set of polls taken after Sean Lien announced his candidacy for Taipei mayor shows that the KMT Central Committee member is in a dead heat with Dr. Ko Wen-je. Ko has yet to officially declare his candidacy but is considered a front-runner alongside Lien.
At a spring banquet for Taipei City Hall, Sean Lien proved to be highly popular. Not to be outdone was a potential rival to become the next mayor of Taipei, the independent Ko Wen-je.
Ko was at the airport today preparing to leave for an inspection tour of Kinmen. He obliged when someone stepped forward to request a photo.
Polls by print media outlets put the two contenders close together.In a United Daily News poll, 45 percent of respondents backed Lien while 39 percent supported Ko. The Apple Daily had the pair in a virtual tie, and a China Times poll had Ko ahead of Lien by 3 percentage points.
Sean Lien
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
Most of the time we’re even, and sometimes I’m behind. No matter the case, I always think of it as if I’m trailing. Our team considers ourselves to be a unit of soldiers that has suffered grief and indignation. That way we can urge ourselves to press on.
Ko Wen-je
Head of Trauma, NTUH
I am getting a new start, which provides more flexibility and opportunity for innovation. I think it will remain 50-50 until election day, and the final vote will also be close.
Trailing is former Vice President Annette Lu. She wrote off the polls as quickly, haphazardly done and suggested that supporters don’t pay them heed.
[[台北市長參選人 連勝文]]
[[台大創傷部主任 柯文哲]]
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