Taiwanese students return after winning medals at innovation expo in Malaysia (2014/02/26)
Students from Kaohsiung’s Cheng Shiu University recently returned from a Malaysian innovation expo. They proudly showed off award-winning inventions ranging from flotation devices to remote controlled vehicles.
These inflatable rubber tubes are very buoyant. Within 10 minutes they can be fully inflated and tied together to form a rubber dinghy.
The floatation device was created by students from Cheng Shiu University. It can be conveniently stored and deployed, and is suitable for use during typhoon-related flooding. Several can be tied together to potentially transport a motor vehicle.
Chang Fa-hsian
If these are assembled, tied together, placed below a vehicle (then inflated), it would take 15 to 20 minutes to inflate. The floats could support the vehicle.
The invention is based on the principle of wooden rafts and is versatile enough to fit any vehicle. It was awarded a bronze medal at a Malaysian innovation expo. Another remote-controlled vehicle operating on caterpillar type tracks also attracted attention.
The vehicle is mounted with a robotic arm that can be manipulated to pick up explosives that weigh up to 30 kilograms.
Chang Yue-hsuan
Student Inventor
The module on top of the vehicle can also be switched for tasks such as firefighting or detecting gas.
The many uses of this interchangeable vehicle made it one of the most prized innovations at the expo.
[[發明團隊指導老師 張法憲]]
利用積木的原理拼裝,能替任何車種客製化適合的浮具,獲得馬來西亞國際發明展銅牌獎。其他受到矚目的, 還有這台多功能履帶載具。
[[發明團隊學生 張岳軒]]
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