Cabinet marks launch of financial services in free economic pilot zones (2014/03/05)
A ceremony today was held to mark the launch of financial services in free economic pilot zones. Offshore securities units will enjoy fewer restrictions and more tax breaks in the zones in an effort to bring more business to Taiwan.
Premier Jiang Yi-huah, flanked by financial executives, lit a light to symbolize the launch of financial services in free economic pilot zones. But the draft of special regulations for the zones remains mired in the Legislature. That has led to concerns about the legal basis used by the government for operating the zones.
William Tseng
Finance Minister
The special regulations don’t directly relate to the free economic pilot zones. We relied on regulations related to offshore banking units and offshore securities units.
The premier personally handed certificates to a dozen securities firms that applied for offshore securities unit status.
In the future, offshore securities units operating in the free economic pilot zones will be able to engage in international securities businesses. Finance Minister William Tseng says these units will be seen as virtual offshore companies that will benefit from relaxed regulations.
[[金管會主委 曾銘宗]]
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