Business leaders say implementation of prenatal exam vacation could be difficult (2014/03/05)
New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu’s gesture to pregnant women isn’t being warmly embraced by business leaders. While grudgingly accepting that they must offer five days prenatal examination vacation, they say implementation will be difficult for companies that operate across city and county lines.
Today the owner of this minced pork rice chain visited one of his restaurants. He says he won’t nitpick when offering five days prenatal examination holiday to his employees.
Chang Yung-chang
Minced Pork Chain Owner
I’ve accepted this and will provide the same benefits to all of my employees. If this leads to an extra burden, it will still be a sweet burden.
Restaurant Employee
If it’s my right, I’ll take advantage of it.
According to regulations from the Labor Affairs Department, New Taipei City government, workers employed by companies based in New Taipei but sent to work in other cities or counties are eligible for the holiday. Workers hired by branch offices in other cities or counties, when headquarters is in New Taipei, will not be eligible. Different standards for different workers could create headaches for some companies.
Tsai Lien-sheng
Chinese Nat’l Federation of Industries
There should be a unified policy for the entire country. A local government shouldn’t be able to create its own set of rules.
The director-general of the ROC Chamber of Commerce was even more direct, calling this policy an example of another hasty pre-election pledge.
[[連鎖滷肉飯老闆 張永昌]]
“我既然接受了, 他就同工同酬, 大家要相提並論,若因此產生的負擔,我覺得甜蜜的負擔”
[[工總秘書長 蔡練生]]
“國家應該有一個統一的政策, 而不是由地方政府它特別去訂定”
本文引用自 民視新聞網