After tense emergency room trip, Chinese tourist praises Taiwan’s medical care (2014/03/06)
Next we have the heartwarming story of how Taiwan’s advanced medical services turned a tense moment into a great experience for a Chinese tourist. Chen Xinfa was so pleased with the emergency care he received on a visit to Taiwan that he has decided to share his story here.
Chen Xinfa, a Chinese national from Jiangxi, has a lot of praise for the ability of Taiwanese doctors. Last month, while visiting Hualien as part of an island-wide trip, Chen suddenly experienced sharp chest pain. He was rushed to Tzu Chi General Hospital.
When Chen arrived, the hospital was prepared, and within half an hour cardiac catheterization was underway. He was able to check out the next day. His wife, who is a head nurse in China, has high praise for Taiwan’s medical environment.
Xiong Lanfang
Chen Xinfa’s Wife
I felt that this operation was relatively risky, but the examination was complete after not much more than 10 minutes. Initially, I couldn’t believe what was happening.
Chen Xinfa
They did a great job of managing my problem. Over just a few days and several tense hours, they solved something that would have proven to be desperate (back in China).
Chen did not have health insurance, but still, his total medical bill amounted to only about NT$150,000. Taiwan’s advanced medical treatment techniques at affordable prices left a deep impression on this Chinese tourist.
[[陳新發妻子 熊蘭芳]]
“我就感到這個手術比較風險大一點,其實十幾分鐘就檢查好了 ,一開始講我還不太相信”
[[中國觀光客 陳新發]]
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