Cabinet members have mixed view of the value of political talk show appearances (2014/03/06)

With elections eight months away the government hopes to do a better job of communicating its policies to the general public. President Ma Ying-jeou is urging members of his Cabinet to hit the airwaves to let people know his administration’s plans and achievements. Officials, however, expressed reservations about the potential pitfalls of appearing on sometimes unpredictable political talk shows and call-in shows. 

Recognizing the effect that low poll ratings could have on the KMT’s showing in the year-end elections, President Ma makes an effort to explain his policies through the media. In the party’s Central Standing Committee meeting on Wednesday, the president asked the same of his government officials. His request for the officials to become regular call-in show guests was met with approval.

Chiang Wei-ling
Education Minister
What’s most important is having a channel to clearly explain our ideas, so everyone can hear what we have to say. I see this as the key factor. Whether the show has a position wouldn’t be a main consideration for me.

But there were also concerns. Call-in shows are potential land mines. Audiences ask all kinds of questions, and other guests can prove to be an even greater challenge. The minister of economics expressed one of his considerations for appearing on a show.

Chang Chia-juch
Economics Minister
These (shows) are only helpful if you’re given enough time to offer a sufficient explanation. They’re supposed to be about communicating policy. If they don’t let you speak or cut you off after a single sentence, there is no purpose in appearing on the show.

The new Cabinet spokesman, Sun Lih-chyun, is helping coordinate media relations. His team is arranging press conferences, news releases and talk show appearances for Cabinet members.


距離年底七合一選舉只剩不到八個月,但執政黨施政民調低迷,衝擊選情,馬總統昨天下令,要求政務官勇於為政策辯護,必要時上call in節目,大部分的官員都表示認同,會主動積極配合。但也有人擔心,節目若預設立場,無法充分解釋,上不上沒有意義。


[[教育部長 蔣偉寧]]


[[經濟部長 張家祝]]
“至少要給說明人充分的時間,才會有用,因為既然是政策溝通,假如說不讓你講話,或者你只能講一句話就打斷的話, 我想那個上不上可能都沒有意義”



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