
New regulations to tighten breathalyzer procedures (2014/03/10)

Every year around 100,000 drunk driving tickets are issued in Taiwan. Police have strict procedures, but these are not always followed and can result in disputes. For this reason, the Ministry of Transportation plans to give these procedures a stronger legal basis. 

There are procedures for police to follow when conducting a breathalyzer test.

Tseng Yu-han
Taipei City Traffic Division
During police questioning, there is a form for police to ask whether drivers had chicken cooked in rice wine, cough syrup, or other food products that could affect the breathalyzer. If drivers consumed such items within the past 15 minutes, they can be granted the chance to rinse their mouth before submitting to a breathalyzer.

Here we see an experiment of a person who quickly consumes 100 cc of beer and then immediately submits to a breathalyzer.

The breathalyzer indicates a reading of 0.55. And now, the same test is administered after waiting 15 minutes.The value on the breathalyzer registers zero.

Tseng Yu-han
Taipei City Traffic Division
We don’t want alcohol in the mouth to affect the breathalyzer.

To prevent false readings, the Ministry of Transportation will make a new provision in the law noting that those stopped for suspicion of drunk driving be given 15 minutes from the last time they consumed a drink and be offered the opportunity to rinse their mouth. After completing one breathalyzer test, a follow-up will not be permitted. These new procedures and regulations will help protect the interest of drivers and others on the road.




[[北市交通大隊執法組分隊長 曾郁涵]]



[[北市交通大隊執法組分隊長 曾郁涵]]



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