Swedish and American a capella groups set to perform in Taipei (2014/04/18)
Swedish and American a cappella groups will give a concert tomorrow in Taipei. This afternoon the groups held a dress rehearsal with members even previewing Chinese songs for fans.
Performing without any musical instruments, the Swedish a cappella group Vocal Six took to the stage. In their first show in Taiwan in nearly seven years, members of this group wore black suits and gave a breathtaking vocal performance.
The average age of members of this male group is 50, with many having 25 years of experience. They say performing Chinese songs is quite a challenge.
Vocal Six Member
It’s very difficult and we have nothing to associate the words with, to remember them. So the sounds are hard to remember and it’s so easy to forget.
Another a cappella group that performed is Musae, which hails from the United States.
The five members of Musae radiate charm on stage and easily capture the attention of the audience. After setting foot in Taiwan for the first time, they were quite eager to taste some of Taiwan’s delicious snack food.
Both Vocal Six and Musae will perform a concert on Saturday for Taiwanese fans eager to hear their unique blend of a cappella music.
不用任何樂器,登台獻唱,瑞典人聲樂團vocal six,睽違7年,再度來台,團員穿著黑色西裝,展現深厚的演唱功力。
[[Vocal Six 團員]]
本文引用自: 民視新聞網 http://englishnews.ftv.com.tw/