Premier agrees to halt work, but not halt construction, to the nuclear plant (2014/04/28)
A gap remains between the government and anti-nuclear power protesters. While Premier Jiang Yi-huah has agreed to halt work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, he will not concede a halt to construction. Jiang hopes to leave room for the government to build support so the plant can open in the future.
This was the premier after it was announced that the first reactor would be mothballed following safety tests and that work would halt on the second reactor.
Jiang Yi-huah
Mothballing and halting work to reactors of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant does not mean that construction will end or that the plant will be abandoned. With no consensus yet possible on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant and popular will yet to be expressed in the form of a referendum, we decided on this method. Our hope is to reserve a choice for the next generation.
DPP lawmakers want Jiang to give a clear idea of the difference between halting work and halting construction.
Kao Jyh-peng
DPP Legislator
We asked him to come hold negotiations with the DPP caucus as soon as possible. Tomorrow afternoon, he can give a special report and participate in a question-and-answer session.
Jiang did not respond to the request. The DPP also wants a special revision to reduce the voter turnout threshold for validating the nuclear referendum. It had been asking for a simple majority, but instead will accept one-quarter turnout. Still, Jiang is unwilling to budge.
Jiang Yi-huah
We don’t believe that the current half thresholds are unreasonable.
The DPP wants its lowered threshold passed tomorrow. With the majority KMT caucus on board with the Cabinet, chances are slim.
[[行政院長 江宜樺]]
[[立委(民) 高志鵬]]
[[行政院長 江宜樺]]
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