Nobel Peace Prize winner to open center in Taipei (2014/04/27)
A Nobel Peace Prize winner has big plans to build a social business center in Taiwan. Before Muhammad Yunus’ new center opens he discussed his groundbreaking methods of using microfinance to create opportunities for the disadvantaged to succeed.
A crowd is gathered to greet not the latest Korean entertainer but this man, simply dressed and with a big smile. He is Muhammad Yunus, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient who often expounds on the importance of corporate responsibility.
Muhammad Yunus
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
In social business you don’t plant a huge tree. It’s not that big business. It’s developing a seed because the first miracle seed is the most important thing.
This is Yunus demonstrating the fruits of planting such a seed. And this is him on October 13, 2006, when he won one of the great honors of the world.
“The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2006 divided into two equal parts: to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank.”
Yunus wasn’t well known at the time. It was unheard of for the committee to award the peace prize to a for-profit organization and its founder.
For the previous three decades, however, Yunus had been quietly helping the poor.
Yunus is a pioneer of microcredit. He created mechanisms for the poor to take out small loans averaging around US$130 or less without a guarantor or collateral. The money is often used for entrepreneurial pursuits that help beneficiaries find ways out of poverty.
The institution Yunus founded is Grameen Bank. “Grameen” means “village” in the Bengali language and reflects a business motive very different from a traditional bank.
Early on in his career, Yunus lent the equivalent of US$27 to 42 female villagers. Exploited by money-lenders with usury conditions, the women accepted the loans at the risk of abuse at the hands of their husbands should they find out.
Four decades later, women still have trouble getting loans. Grameen Bank is doing its part to solve this problem by lending predominantly to women.
Muhammad Yunus
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
In New York City, 100 percent women. All over United States, 100 percent women. [Why women?] Why not? Why banks give loans to men only? Many countries. [Today?] Of course.
The banking industry in Switzerland is known for its opaque, customer-oriented service. But even in this banking center, Yunus says women find it difficult to take out loans.
Muhammad Yunus
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
I was talking in Switzerland three or four years back…The lady who was sharing that session in the conference is a very important lady. I’m going to see my banker today. I’m going to take a loan from the bank. The banker is asking I have to bring my husband with me. Because without the husband’s permission, I cannot take a loan. In Switzerland. Not in Bangladesh. Not in 1970, when I began. Now. Now.
In Bangladesh, Grameen Bank has 8.5 million customers, 96 percent of whom are women. By the end of 2012, Grameen’s banking concept had inspired similar projects in 40 nations around the world. Accumulated loans exceeded the equivalent of NT$100 billion and total income reached nearly NT$2.5 billion.
Winning the Nobel prize allowed for the founding of the Yunus Centre. Its mission is to promote Yunus’ philosophy of social business across the globe. In 2010, Grameen Bank further advanced its cause by forming Grameen Uniqlo in combination with the Japanese retailer. Together, they provide employment opportunities via the clothing industry.
Planning, production and sales all take place in Bangladesh. One T-shirt sells for just NT$40 and profits are plowed back into the business so it can continue to solve social ills.
Muhammad Yunus
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
I have met people in the fifth generation of unemployed situation. So you grew up in an environment where somebody gives you money and you eat and play.
The Yunus Social Business Centre Taiwan is in the preparatory stage. In a show of gratitude, Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin conferred honorary citizenship on Yunus.
Lin Hwai-min
Cloud Gate Founder
From ancient to modern times, a gap between rich and poor has been unavoidable. Mr. Yunus has used many methods to try to solve this problem.
By bringing his revolutionary social business ideas to Taiwan, Yunus will encourage local disadvantaged groups to rely on their own hard work to pull themselves out of poverty, rather than falling into a trap of endless handouts.
This is FTV’s Jinny Chang and Alex Yang, reporting from Taipei.
[[尤努斯 諾貝爾和平獎得主]]
而撥款的銀行叫做Grameen Bank,Grameen是孟加拉語鄉村的意思,經營哲學是傳統銀行怎麼做,鄉村銀行就要反其道而行。
[[尤努斯 諾貝爾和平獎得主]]
[[尤努斯 諾貝爾和平獎得主]]
在獲得諾貝爾和平獎後,尤努斯開始籌辦尤努斯基金會,在全球各地推動社會型企業。2010年,鄉村銀行和日本Uniqlo合作推出Grameen Uniqlo,透過服飾提供就業機會。
從服裝的企劃、生產到銷售都在孟加拉,一件t-shirt 賣40元台幣,收入全數投入事業體,持續解決社會問題。
[[尤努斯 諾貝爾和平獎得主]]
[[雲門舞集創辦人 林懷民]]
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