High-speed railway operator expresses regret over service disruption (2014/04/29)
Following today’s service disruption, the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation held a press conference to express regret to passengers. It blamed recent delays on micro switch quality problems and said it is working with the supplier to solve the issue.
John Chen
THSR Railway Operations Division
Correct, a switch malfunctioned. The Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation expresses our sincerest regrets to all passengers who were affected.
This statement came at the start of the press conference. The corporation blamed recent switch failures on quality issues with Siemens micro switches causing electric current instability and damage to other component parts.
John Chen
THSR Railway Operations Division
(Along ) this line, there have been 40 to 50 micro switch problems. At the moment, this is the primary source of our problems. We have asked the supplier for help and to check if there is a stability problem.
Since the high-speed rail opened, there have been more than 50 switch problems. And since fares rose at the beginning of October, there have been six delays significant enough to warrant refunds.
While many continue to complain about the cost of the high-speed rail, quality of service has become a problem. The Bureau of High Speed Rail has not ruled out fining the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation between NT$300,000 and NT$1.5 million for poor maintenance.
[[高鐵公司營運分處協理 陳強]]
[[高鐵公司營運分處協理 陳強]]
“(沿線)總共40組,接近50,微動開關問題,現在是比較對我們造成比較多問題,那我們也請原廠,再協助我們 ,看是不是它的穩定性不足”
本文引用自: 民視新聞網 http://englishnews.ftv.com.tw/