Taipei mayoral candidates weigh in on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant (2014/04/22)
Candidates for Taipei mayor weighed in today with their opinions on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. KMT nominee Sean Lien repeated his party line that safety should be the top priority while pan green contenders were willing to pledge that the plant should not operate if the public is opposed.
KMT Taipei mayoral nominee Sean Lien visited Songshan Ciyou Temple today for a Matsu ceremony. Since winning the KMT primary, Lien has repeatedly stated that the safety of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant should be a primary concern.
Sean Lien
KMT Taipei Mayoral Nominee
I think we should adhere to the principle that without nuclear safety, we cannot begin operating the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant.
As for pan green candidates, Wellington Koo said he’s ardently opposed to nuclear power.
Wellington Koo
DPP Taipei Mayoral Candidate
My attitude is quite clear. I’m opposed to the construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. If the results of the referendum support stopping construction on the plant, I would definitely support this.
Ko Wen-je
Independent Taipei Mayoral Candidate
This is a political crisis for Taiwan and a turning point. It presents an opportunity to respond to popular will and resolve this controversy. I believe that opposition to the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant goes beyond pan-blue and pan-green politics or unification and independence supporters.
Candidates for Taipei mayor are closely watching public opinion, as few believe it’s worth alienating voters over this issue before citizens go to the polls.
[[國民黨台北市長參選人 連勝文]]
[[律師 顧立雄]]
[[台北市長參選人 柯文哲]]
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