Former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung enters second day of hunger strike (2014/04/23)
Former DPP chairman Lin Yi-hsiung is in the second day of a hunger strike to oppose work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Lin has vowed not to receive visitors but several stopped by to express sympathy, including the president.
As President Ma Ying-jeou’s motorcade approached Gikong Church, a group of people began to shout out in protest. Ma was unable to visit Lin, but he left behind a card expressing his sentiments.
President Ma Ying-jeou
I am willing to represent the government in pledging after strict security reviews are performed by domestic and foreign experts, the fate of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant will be put to a referendum.
A former DPP premier argues that even if operations at the plant are safe, it will impact Taiwan for generations.
Chang Chun-hsiung
Former Premier
We will leave the poison of (nuclear waste) in the earth for our children and grandchildren for tens of thousands of years simply for the convenience of generating power for a few dozen years. Is this the right? I am saddened by this.
Frank Hsieh
Former Premier
Around the world there are nuclear power plants that have passed safety inspections yet experienced disaster. Therefore, I don’t think we can’t rely on these safety checks.
Other visitors who stopped by and expressed sympathy for Lin included Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin, independent candidate for Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je and former President Chen Shui-bian’s son, Chen Chih-chung.
[[總統 馬英九]]
[[前行政院長 張俊雄]]
“我們竟然留下這個毒(核廢料) ,給土地跟我們的子子孫孫,有幾萬年的毒品,為了貪圖我們幾十年發電的方便,我們這樣做對嗎,我心裡好痛”
[[前行政院長 謝長廷]]
本文引用自: 民視新聞網