Academia Sinica member urges Ma Ying-jeou to resign from role as KMT chairman (2014/04/18)
The leader of yesterday’s protest at the Academia Sinica is urging President Ma Ying-jeou to restore balance of power between the legislative and executive branches. Sinica member Chiu Hei-yuan accuses Ma of abusing his role as KMT party chairman to control the party’s legislative caucus and influence its decision making.
Chiu Hei-yuan
Academia Sinica
The way he smiled and chuckled caused the demonstrators to shout resign, resign, resign. As commander I was yelling out, but I was still silenced by the other demonstrators.
Chiu was referring to an expression and a gesture President Ma made yesterday when facing protesters. Chiu’s motivation for gathering more than 100 protesters yesterday, including many Academia Sinica members, was the perceived failure of the president to address concerns of students who protested the services trade pact Taiwan signed with China.
Chiu urged Ma to give up his role as chairman of the KMT in order to return power back to the Legislature.
Chiu Hei-yuan
Academia Sinica
The legislative and executive branches balance each other out. Various branches of government must be separated. So how can there be one person who controls both the Legislature and the Cabinet? This damages constitutional government. I hope he rewrites party regulations so the president doesn’t automatically serve as chairman of the party.
This was the first time in Taiwan such a large contingent of Academia Sinica members and staff joined together in protest against a sitting president. They are urging Ma to follow popular will.
[[中研院研究員 瞿海源]]
他那樣出來還嘻皮笑臉,還在笑,所以我在喊口號,他們不聽我喊了啦,他們就叫他下台 下台 下台,我這個總指揮只好消音了啦。
[[中研院研究員 瞿海源]]
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