Experts warn a drop in housing prices would hurt the economy (2014/04/23)
Taipei Deputy Mayor Chang Chin-oh’s comment that housing prices could fall by 30 percent over two years sparked a rebuke from business leaders and economists. Farglory Group Chairman Chao Teng-hsiung said an attack on the housing market would end up hurting everyone in Taiwan.
Upon hearing that the government could seek to reduce housing prices by 30 percent over two years, a mortgage lawyer surnamed Tsai demonstrated the consequences of such a precipitous drop.
Tsai Chih-hsiung
Mortgage Lawyer
For example, if we have a house worth NT$10 million and go to a bank for a mortgage worth 80 percent of the value of the house, the loan would be around NT$8 million. But if the value of the house suddenly dropped by 30 percent to NT$7 million, then your equity would be less than the loan you received. At this time, the banks may require you to add more collateral or face foreclosure.
Farglory Chairman Chao Teng-hsiung said suppressing the housing market would negatively affect everyone.
Chao Teng-hsiung
Farglory Chairman
There isn’t much of a willingness to invest in Taiwan, and consumer spending isn’t very strong, so if there’s little confidence or support in the real estate market, this will affect overall investment.
Shining Group Chairman Lai Cheng-yi believes the solution to the current housing problem should involve increasing salaries and government construction of more affordable housing. Otherwise, he warns, such a direct attack on the housing market will impact willingness to invest along with consumer spending, employment and wages.
[[律師 蔡志雄]]
[[遠雄集團董事長 趙藤雄]]
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