
DPP politicians speak out in support of former chairman, Lin Yi-hsiung (2014/04/24)

The DPP continued on Thursday to merge its political appeals with the hunger strike being staged by Lin Yi-hsiung. The party’s 2012 presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen and ex-premier Yu Shyi-kun urged the government to stop work on the fourth nuclear power plant and make referendums easier to pass.

Wearing bamboo hats and white, anti-nuclear T-shirts, a group of people walk down a Taipei street to show their support for Lin Yi-hsiung. Every day, different people participate. On Thursday, it was former DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen. 

Tsai Ing-wen
Ex-DPP Chairwoman
I call on the president to allow the Legislature, and especially KMT lawmakers to review the special fourth nuclear power plant referendum bill on Friday, and handle it according to public opinion. 

At the DPP’s legislative caucus office, the party’s candidate for New Taipei mayor, Yu Shyi-kun, and city councilors called for work to be halted on the nearly completed nuclear power plant.

Yu Shyi-kun
DPP New Taipei Mayor Nominee
Lin Yi-hsiung is 73 years old. I don’t know whether he can hold on. So I am urging the Ma administration to quickly face the issue and quickly scrap nuclear power or amend the Referendum Act.

The DPP is clearly mobilizing as much public pressure as it can to force the government’s hand.


聲援林義雄, 民進黨全體總動員, 前主席蔡英文今天加入反核行腳的活動, 新北市長參選人游錫?則是帶著市議員到立法院召開記者會, 兩人都向馬總統喊話, 希望立法院能儘速通過核四公投特別條例的立法, 降低公投門檻, 停建核四。

頭戴斗笠, 身穿人民作主的反核白T, 在台北市街頭, 這群人用行動聲援禁食中的林義雄, 每一天, 都有不同的人加入, 今天是前民進黨主席蔡英文。

[[前民進黨主席 蔡英文]]

立法院民進黨黨團會議室, 新北市長參選人游錫?和市議員高呼停建核四。

[[民黨新北市長參選人 游錫]]

民進黨上下總動員, 就是希望藉由行動,給馬政府壓力。


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