Lin Yi-hsiung answers Ma’s card with lesson on constitutional authority (2014/04/24)
When President Ma Ying-jeou left a card for Lin Yi-hsiung on Wednesday, he hoped to extend an olive branch to the former DPP chairman by pledging a referendum on the nuclear power issue. Instead, Lin responded on Thursday with an open letter that said Ma did not have the power to make such a promise on constitutional grounds.
On Wednesday, President Ma left a card for Lin Yi-hsiung pledging that a referendum on the fourth nuclear power plant’s future would be held after safety tests had been completed. Lin, trained as a lawyer, answered Ma on Thursday.
Aside from thanking Ma for his wishes, he wrote that a president’s responsibilities are limited to foreign affairs and the military and do not cover nuclear power. Thus, a president does not have the power to interfere with the issue or make any promises. He also accused Ma of lacking constitutional wisdom and knowledge of the law.
When asked by a legislator why President Ma could make a promise on behalf of the government, Interior Minister Chen Wei-zen had trouble answering. Amid the legal semantics, however, the stalemate was no closer to being solved.
馬總統憑什麼代表政府給承諾,內政部長陳威仁,被問的啞口無言,雖然有法律方面的辯論, 不過核四爭議的僵局仍未解。
本文引用自: 民視新聞網