KMT candidates canvass for votes today as party begins phone survey for primary (2014/04/13)
The KMT will conduct a telephone survey today and tomorrow to help choose the KMT candidate for the Taipei Mayoral election. Sean Lien and his wife actively canvassed voters today, announcing a second batch of advisors including former Interior Minister Lee Hong-yuan and others. Another candidate in the primary, KMT Legislator, Ting Shou-chung also announced his list of advisors, many of whom are not former officials, but instead, come from civilian circles.
KMT Taipei Mayoral Candidate, Sean Lien and this wife Pattie Tsai, held hands and appeared at a number of charity events today, publicly canvassing for voters in a primary to decide the party’s nominee.
Patty Tsai appeared with her husband, bolstering his spirits and confidence as the KMT began carrying out a survey of voters. Lien also made his second announcement of municipal advisors.
The list including former Interior Minister, Lee Hong-yuan, Schive Chi, former Minister of the Council for Economic Planning and Development, and former Education Minister, Wu Ching-ji, and others
Sean Lien
KMT Taipei Mayor Candidate
With their help, we are prepared to confront natural disasters, municipal financial crisis, as well as issues ranging from culture, education and urban planning. (Each of them) can provide us with many good suggestions.
Responding to Sean Lien’s list of advisors, another KMT candidate, Ting Shou-chung , said his knowledge of Taipei municipal politics means there’s no need to gain the support from former officials.
Ting Shou-chung
KMT Taipei Mayor Candidate
I want to understand grassroots supporters. I know Taipei City Government very well, and don’t need to suddenly recruit so many (advisors) so I don’t need the support of other government officials.
Instead of drawing upon government sectors, Ting recruited advisors from diverse fields such as Taipei Computer Association President, Tung Tsu-hsien. Along with Ms. He who led the implementation of compulsory motorcycle and scooter insurance, along with Chen Shu-li, a long time volunteer of the John Tung Foundation.
[[北市長參選人(國) 連勝文]]
“透過他們的協助,就針對防災型都更 市府財政,以及包括文創 教育,還有都市計畫各方面,能夠提供給我們許許多多的建議”
[[北市長參選人(國) 丁守中]]
“我來自基層 了解民意,我對台北市政更嫻熟,更能夠上手,不需要臨時惡補 ,由其他政務官,來幫忙支撐光環”
丁守中找來各領域代表,像是電腦工會理事長童子賢,機車強制險催生者柯媽媽,董氏基金會終身義工陳淑麗. , 等十多人全力相挺。
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