NTU researchers discuss how insecticide may be to blame for honeybee colony collapses (2014/04/14)
National Taiwan University researchers made an important advance in uncovering the mystery behind a worldwide decline in honeybee populations. Today the team held a news conference to discuss its findings.
In 1994, a large number of honeybees began disappearing around the world. These incidents led Yang An-cheng, a professor at National Taiwan University’s Department of Entomology, to dedicate eight years of his life to this mystery. Recently, he discovered that the insecticide imidacloprid may be to blame.
Yang En-cheng
NTU Department of Entomology
We tested a new neonicotinoid called imidacloprid, which didn’t affect growth of larvae or mortality during maturation. However, when we did neurobehavioral tests after they became worker bees, we found that exposure led to learning problems and memory loss.
Yang’s experiments confirmed that honeybees were made dumber through exposure to imidacloprid, including increased disorientation. The chemical is already banned in the European Union, and this latest discovery at NTU is attributed to unprecedented interdisciplinary cooperation within the university.
Jiang Joe-air
NTU Dep’t of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics
When honeybees come and go, our system uses infrared sensors to measure differences between entering and leaving the hive. We also record and take into account environmental factors inside and outside the hive, such as temperature and humidity.
The research also included using lasers to tattoo the backs of honeybees and track them. In total, five different disciplines joined the effort.
[[台大昆蟲系教授 楊恩誠]]
[[台大生物機電工程系教授 江昭皚]]
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